Mini Mini +
Channel branding
I guess it is my favorite project I was part of - first of all in terms of a great outcome, awarded gold on Promax BDA Europe and than gold and silver at KTR Poland. Also I love it because of the target group of small kids that MiniMini+ is dediated to. And finally it was a great pleasure to work with so many talented people in Canal + Poland.
Having this rebranding task we aimed mostly at two aspects. Most important for us was to rise the general branding visual quality and achieve a contemporary, high end, unique esthetics. We worked on each detail, from logo, typography, main elements, colors to overal broadcast stucture, on-air fluency and animation flow. Big challenge was to develop our brand character - Minimini fish - and give it a new, artistic look to itself and it's underwater environment.
Second gol we focused on was to boost an interaction between our young audience and the new branding. To build this relationship we gave our lovely fish a task to attract and involve the kids by eye-2-eye contact, gestures and most of all by engaging them to play many games in front of TV screen like: hide'n'seek, simple guesig or on-screen drawing.
Art director, Lead motion design